Canary Islands 365 days sailing under the bright sun

The Canary Islands are a true paradise for sea and sun lovers. Located in the Atlantic Ocean, these Spanish islands enjoy exceptional weather throughout the year, making them a perfect destination for sailing and enjoying water activities.

Islas Canarias: 365 días navegables y soleados

There are no better seasons than others for sailing in the Canary Islands, which is why they are known for having the best climate in the world throughout the year.

Whether sailing or motorized, with or without crew, the soft and constant Alisios winds that blow from the northeast and the bright sunny days make renting a boat an unforgettable experience that you will want to repeat.

With the boat rental in Gran Canaria, you can find a wide and diverse number of boats (yachts, sailboats and catamarans) with which to spend a fantastic day or several, touring a specific area or sailing through the different islands.

Each island has its own particular appeal and many places to visit. The paradisiacal islands of sun and fine sandy beaches, which enjoy a spring temperature throughout the year are an archipelago of 7 islands (Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa, recognized in 2019 as the eighth island) and a few islets (Alegranza, Montaña Clara, Roque del Este, Roque del Oeste and Lobos). Each island is diametrically diverse from the others and its landscapes evoke corners of all regions of the planet.

The Fortunate Islands, the Champs Elysees, the Garden of the Hesperides…. they were the first denominations to be found in Greek and Roman writings about the Canaries. It was an archipelago of volcanic origin inhabited by the Guanches, a very tall race, with light skin, who lived on the cliffs, in caves or in small villages with houses with a circular plan. In 1496 they joined the crown of Castile, after a series of struggles in which Guanche courage and nobility stood out. A few years later, Cristobal Colon would stop on Gran Canaria and La Gomera before leaving for the New World.

All the ports of interest in the Canary Islands

But sailing the Canary Islands will allow you to know, in a totally relaxed way, every corner, every beach and hidden cove, without having to give up visiting the most attractive places on each of the islands; its historical heritage, its large areas and shopping centers, its modern shops at street level, the best restaurants, museums, theme parks, etc.

The cooler season lasts 3.9 months, from December 17 to April 13, with an average daily high temperature of 75°F. The coldest month of the year is February, with an average minimum temperature of 16 °C and a maximum of 21 °C.

The average temperature of the sea is 20º degrees. The eastern islands are the place to go as the average temperature is warmer.

But to travel all the islands sailing you would need at least 15 days, that is why we recommend 3 options so that, either in a single day you can enjoy the sun and the sea or, if you prefer, in just one week you have time to enjoy a complete cruise.

For any of the other 2 options: On the one hand, you can choose the eastern islands (Fuerteventura and Lanzarote and La Graciosa), calling at various ports, or anchoring at any of the beaches or coves, which you will find throughout your journey. And on the other the western islands. In any case, you should not forget to visit the island of Lobos to the north of Fuerteventura and La Graciosa, to the north of Lanzarote.


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